Helpful Resources
Self help resources for patients
- Royal College of Psychiatrists patient information leaflets A-Z of up to date accessible information of all mental health conditions, and a series of online videos about leading mental health issues
- an online information and forum resource for all medical conditions
- Depression, anxiety and support amongst Muslim communities
- Reading Well books on prescription
- Information about psychiatric drugs an online resource designed to educate patients
- Understanding psychiatric diagnosis in adult mental health a leaflet by the BPS
- Time to Change
- Maryland Recovery – Anxiety Quiz learn if you struggle with anxiety and addiction
- MindEd for families – a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults
Resources which may benefit a patient suffering from mental distress, who does not yet want or require treatment:
- Changing Minds relaxation tools and wellbeing resources in different languages which may be suggested to patients
- Relaxation Exercises
- The Foundation for Positive Mental Health skills training for positive mental health, derived from Olympic sports
- Reading Well Books on Prescription was launched in 2013 with a list for common mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, phobias and some eating disorders. The RCGP has worked with Reading Well Books on Prescription since it began and has been involved in reviewing book lists and books and providing advice.
- The Responsibility without Blame Project provides a free and accessible e-learning for anyone interested in thinking about our ideas of responsibility and blame, and finding ways to work and relate more effectively with people with personality disorder or complex needs.
How to discuss mental health with your GP
- Find the words a short film and guide on how to make the most of your GP appointment
- How to talk to your GP about mental health A PDF booklet about speaking to your GP
- But… Sometimes – A challenge of anxiety a blog and five minute narrative short film exploring Anxiety and the difficulty in seeking help.
Speeding up return to work
- Fit for work – a free service for people who have been off work, or are at risk of being off work, for 4 weeks or more. People can self-refer, be referred by their employer or by their GP. It provides occupational health assessments and support aimed at enabling a safe and speedy return to work.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy resources (all free but some require registration)
- Royal College of Psychiatrists information on cognitive behavioural therapy
- MoodGYM an online training resource teaching cognitive behaviour therapy skills for preventing and coping with depression
- Living Life to the Full an online life skills course that aims to provide access to high quality, practical and user-friendly CBT training
- FearFighter and MoodJuice online resources for the treatment of panic and phobia.
- Beating the blues; Overcoming fears; Solving daily problems online advice for people with mild to moderate conditions
Resources for carers
- Carers, family and friends what you need to know
- Carers Trust and specifically for mental health carers
- Carers direct hotline 0300 123 1053
- Quarriers support for carers in Scotland
- NHS Choices information page for carers
- Wandsworth Carers’ Centre – We support Carers in their caring role, to have a life outside of caring and to have a voice. With offices in both Wandsworth and Balham, we are able to deliver our services to the Borough.
- Facebook: Wandsworth-Carers-Centre Telephone: 020 8877 1200, Website: Email:
- Places:
- The Recovery Cafe
- The Dragon Cafe – every Monday at: The Crypt of St George the Martyr Church, Borough High Street, SE1 1JA
- Events:
- Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance – a national organisation representing everyone who believes that cultural engagement can transform our health and wellbeing.
- Exercise:
- BBC’s App Couch potato to 5 K
- Blogs:
I specialise in ‘Drawing for Wellbeing’ Workshops as I have been diagnosed with a mental health condition ‘Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder’. During my relapses I can become highly creative and draw and record every moment of my experiences of psychosis. Using the ‘Arts as Therapy’ helps me to cope with my illness and can help others with similar issues to have a platform for self-expression.
- Online:
- The Blurt Foundation – – you can sign up to their newsletter to receive fortnightly personalised mindful emails to help you through your week. – a citywide movement to ensure all Londoners have an equal opportunity to good mental health, supported by the Mayor of London and London Health Board partners. Read more about what they do
- Podcasts:
- Books:
- Books on Prescription
- Reading Well Books on Prescription helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using self-help reading. The books are chosen by health experts and people living with the conditions covered. People can be recommended a title by a health professional, or they can visit their local library and take a book out for free. The scheme is available in 98% of English library authorities.
- Self-help books to support mental health
- Living Life to the Full: Key life skills to change your life » Christopher Williams
- An Introduction to Coping with Depression, 2nd Edition » Lee Brosan, Brenda Hogan
- Overcoming Anxiety, 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques » Helen Kennerley
- Manage Your Mood: How to Use Behavioural Activation Techniques to Overcome Depression » David Veale, Rob Willson
- The CBT Handbook: A comprehensive guide to using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to overcome depression, anxiety and anger » Pamela Myles, Roz Shafran
- Overcoming Health Anxiety: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques »David Veale, Rob Willson
- Mind Over Mood, Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think » Dennis Greenberger, Christine A. Padesky
- Overcoming Depression 3rd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques » Prof Paul Gilbert
- The Sheldon Short Guide to Phobias and Panic » Professor Kevin Gournay
- Overcoming Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder, 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques » Mark Freeston, Kevin Meares
- Break Free from OCD: Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with CBT » Fiona Challacombe, Victoria Bream Oldfield, Paul M. Salkovskis
- Overcoming Panic, 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques » Vijaya Manicavasagar, Derrick Silove
- An Introduction to Coping with Anxiety, 2nd Edition » Brenda Hogan, Leonora Brosan
- Overcoming Binge EATING by Christopher Fairburn – ‘for anyone who has a difficult relationship with food’
- Young people’s Mental Health
- Banish Your Body Image Thief: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Building Positive Body Image for Young People » Kate Collins-Donnelly
- Tyranny » Lesley Fairfield
- Can I Tell You About Eating Disorders?: A Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals » Bryan Lask, Lucy Watson, Fiona Field
The following charities may be used by patients to learn more about their mental health condition, and read case studies of others who have suffered and been treated for them. They also provide a handy contact resource for questions outside of GP surgery hours.
- Alzheimer’s Research UK
- Bipolar UK
- Cruse Bereavement Care
- Dementia UK
- Depression Alliance
- Depression UK
- Mind
- National Service Users Network (NSUN)
- Relate for relationship issues
- Responsible Gambling Trust
- Rethink Mental Illness
- Samaritans
- Time to Change an anti-stigma campaign run by the leading mental health charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness
- Tommy’s for mental health issues surrounding pregnancy
- Sands stillbirth and neonatal death
- Sane resources to improve quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness
- Childline
- Papyrus UK prevention of young suicide
- Devolved Nations: SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health), NIAMH (Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health), AMH (Action Mental Health Northern Ireland)