Sexual Health

South West London Sexual Health

The nearest sexual health clinics are at the Patrick Doody Clinic and Wide Way Medical Centre. To find more local sexual health clinic locations and opening times, as well as useful details on STIs (including treatment), contraception and accessing emergency contraception, please visit

You can register for a home testing kist against STIs. Appointments can be booked online for this service.

Telephone: 0333 300 2100


Book an appointment online:

Register online for a free STI home testing kit:

Wolverton Sexual Health Kingston

Wolverton Sexual Health Centre provide a free, comprehensive and confidential sexual health service in Southwest London to everyone.

Twitter: @WolvertonCentre

Telephone: 020 8974 9331



Sexwise give you honest advice about contraception, pregnancy, STIs and pleasure.

Twitter: @sxwise


Patrick Doody Clinic (Merton)

For routine sexual health and contraception service led by our nursing team and booked appointments with doctors.

Telephone: 0333 300 2100


National Sexual Health Helpline

If you would like to talk to someone about a sexual health issue, you can call the national sexual health helpline. Your call will be treated with sensitivity and in strict confidence. The Sexual Health Helpline is open from 9am-8pm, Monday-Friday.

Telephone: 0300 123 7123


Merton Young Person’s Risk and Resilience Service (C22 DiSC)

This specialist service aims to increase young people’s engagement in diversionary activities that support reductions in the use of substances, and promote sexual health and positive health choices.

Facebook: Catch22-Merton-DISC

Twitter: @MertonDisc

Telephone: 020 3701 8641



Getting it on

Information and services for 13-19 year olds on sexual and mental health issues, drugs & alcohol and relationship problems.


Medical GU Department, St Helier Hospital

We operate both drop-in and appointment clinics. All clinics are open to both male and female patients.

Telephone: 020 8296 2543



Spectra work with all people, often from diverse and marginalised communities, empowering positive, informed choices about health, including sexual health, emotional resilience and wellbeing, and as well as working with people to combat isolation and risk.

Twitter: @Spectra_London

Telephone: 0800 587 8302 or 020 3322 6920




Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.
